Albino Red Head Tapajos Geophagus Cichlid (Geophagus sp)
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The Red Head Tapajos Cichid, referred to scientifically as Geophagus sp, is a species of earth-eater cichlid with a stunning color variation which results in a vibrant red head. This albino variant has a pristine, pale complexion with a bright orange-red head, with this coloration forming at the edges of each of its fins as well. This striking contrast between the paleness of the body and the reds of the fins and head create a masterpiece of a fish for any aquarium. As a peaceful and hardy cichlid, many aquarists fall in love with this species due to its beauty and ease of care. Native to the Tapajos River in the Amazon basin, this fish engages in sifting and foraging behaviors which can be replicated with a habitat with fine sandy or gravel substrates.
Although fairly peaceful, the Red Head Tapajos Cichlid can exhibit territorial behaviors if kept in large groups of predominantly male individuals. Peaceful behaviors will best be produced from a small group of females, or a pair. These fish can be kept with other peaceful species, such as other geophagus, tetras, plecos, and Corydoras catfish.